Is It Normal To Scatter Ashes Straight Away
Most families don't even want to receive the ashes until at least a few weeks after the funeral - it can feel too soon, too surreal. Often a decision has yet to be made about whether the ashes will be kept by a family member, interred in a niche or ash burial plot at a cemetery, or scattered somewhere of significance.
As with all decisions around funeral care, the discussion is deeply personal and different for every family.
Sometimes there is a religious imperative - for instance, the acceptance of the catholic church of cremation rather than burial comes with a preference that ashes are buried in consecrated ground, with a priest present and are not scattered or split in any way.
Perhaps there is a family tradition, and a pre-purchased plot exists. If not, be prepared for significant expense - ash burial plots in local cemeteries usually start around $3,000.
In the coastal communities of Australia, many families choose to scatter the ashes in the ocean, especially if their person loved the beach.
The location is different for everyone, but one thing that many families find is that they need to wait at least a few months before they let the ashes go. It might be a year - even two - but we seem to instinctively know when the time is right - when we can lay their ashes down with some kind of feeling of peace, of knowing that their soul does journey on (though none of us know how) and that ours which remain must do the same.
Every person is unique. Every family is different.
With us, every Funeral is Individual.
Contact Northern Beaches Funerals at any time :
-- 0455 285 041
-- kathryn@northernbeachesfunerals.com.au