Cremation with a Full Funeral Service

A Cremation with a Full Service usually means the is coffin present for some or all of the ceremony and is often followed by refreshments, drinks or a meal - more widely known as The Wake.
Many services are held in a chapel located at a local crematorium, in which case the coffin enters the cremation area immediately after the conclusion of the service.
However, it is quite possible to hold the funeral service elsewhere. For instance, in a church, a local community centre, outdoors in natural bushland or in the family home, to name just a few.
At the end of the service the coffin is taken by hearse to the crematorium.
Many families find it easier to "wave them off" in a hearse at the end of the service rather than having to walk away from the in a chapel setting.
Everyone is different and it's important that you understand the options so that you can choose what is right for you.
If you do choose to hold the service in a crematorium chapel, we strongly advise booking extra chapel time - the standard “one hour” booking in fact only gives each family 45 minutes in total in the chapel and many families find this too rushed.
Paying an extra few hundred dollars for a more relaxed service makes all the difference in these very busy venues.
Click to see our full list of Cremation Pricing and Service Options.
Or see the other Funeral Services options available.