Planet a Tree in their Honour
We're all talking about Carbon Offset, Carbon Neutral and Environmentally Friendliness.
We all need to remember that it's not up to Governments, Big Corporates and world leaders to help solve the climate crisis we're staring at.
Everyone can do their little part to be sure we're all pulling in the same direction.
With Funerals we can use some Environmentally Friendly Ideas to help us along the way.
But... there's nothing easier than planting a tree for your loved one.
It's simple, effective and will last as a living memorial to their memory.
It's also a wonderful way to involve children in the process.
It's place you can gather. A place to reflect on their life.
Share the location with family and friends so they too can see the "living memorial" for themselves.
All this, plus the added bonus of knowing the contribution being made to the environment.
And lastly, the concept of providing a natural home for wildlife.
What more could you ask for.
Planting a tree in someones memory is a wonderful way to keep their sprit with you.
Every person is unique. Every family is different.
With us, every Funeral is Individual.
Contact Northern Beaches Funerals at any time :
-- 0455 285 041
-- kathryn@northernbeachesfunerals.com.au