Ways to Save Money on a Funeral
The cost of funeral care in Australia ranges for under $3,000 to $20,000 or more.
Q :: does paying more deliver a better funeral?
A :: Resoundingly. No. Absolutely not!
A great funeral service truly reflects the person and the way they lived.
If they loved diamonds, flashy cars and designer clothes and you can afford to do so, by all means spend big.
For most of us however, especially those whose parents were raised to spend money carefully, we know in our hearts that they would prefer a more modest funeral service, more personal and more about how they lived than what they owned.

Some of our favorite ways to honor a loved one and save money are :
- rather than paying $500+ for a florist to supply flowers for the coffin, ask everyone to bring a few stems from their garden to place on the coffin when they arrive - this is a beautiful way to include everyone in a healing and loving ritual and creates a fabulous riot of seasonal color.
- low cost cardboard coffins can be beautifully decorated with messages of love, photographs, grand childrens' drawings or hand prints; it is so beautiful to witness the gradual building of a lifetime of love to surround the deceased, and which will stay with them right to the end.
- a tech savvy family members (especially those in their 20's) might design and print the Order of Service booklet.
- having a slideshow created by someone with the knowhow can save hundreds of dollars and is a lovely way for them to contribute and feel part of the ceremony without having to stand up to speak.
- getting family or friends to carry the coffin is such an honor and also saves on staff costs; this alone could be up to $500.
We always support families to do as much or as little as they feel able.
Our experience tells us that time and time again, when people are more involved in the funeral service, the more of a healing experience it is for them.
Every person is unique. Every family is different.
With us, every Funeral is Individual.
Contact Northern Beaches Funerals at any time :
-- 0455 285 041
-- info@northernbeachesfunerals.com.au