What About Pre-Paid Funerals?
Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are very popular and widely available, but as with everything there are considerations to think about before making any agreement.
Your own circumstances will determine whether the concept is suitable for your needs.
Our trained staff are available to talk you through the processes and options for a Pre-Paid Funeral. Contact Us to have a chat about it.
In our experience, we've found that people like Pre-Paid Funerals for a number of simple reasons :
- easing future stresses for your family members and loved ones
- preventing family discord about funeral arrangements
- protecting your family from ever-increasing costs
- ensuring that your wishes are observed
A Pre-Paid Funeral with Northern Beaches Funerals can be as little as $2,458 via a Private Cremations (also known as a Direct Cremation). This service is becoming very popular as it offers the greatest flexibility.
A Pre-Paid Funeral offers a fixed price no matter what cost variations may occur in the future, so you get to today's price for your arrangement whether it be next week or 20 years from now.
A quick Q & A to get you started :
Q: What if your company goes bust, will I lose my money?
A: No - Your money held by a government-backed and regulated investment funds. We work with Funeral Plan Management www.fpmanagement.com.au
Q: Do I need to complete every detail about my Funeral Service now?
A: No - We can work through the details with you at a later time, or we can work with your family after your passing.
Q: How do I let me family know I have a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan?
A: You're issued with a Pre-Paid Certificate which should be kept with your Will.
Q: Can I pre-pay in instalments?
A: Yes - There are interest free payment options available.
Every person is unique. Every family is different.
With us, every Funeral is Individual.
Contact Northern Beaches Funerals at any time :
-- 0455 285 041
-- kathryn@northernbeachesfunerals.com.au